Wednesday, April 30, 2008


A smattering of Tazel photos are here if you are interested.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Akin to an Epiphany

I was taken aback today.
Our baby boy makes baby noises.
Two weeks ago I would have been hard pressed to explain exactly what baby noises are.
Today as I was sitting with Tazel he was making noises and I says to myself, now those are baby noises.
And now I find I am still hard pressed to explain exactly what baby noises are.
I can only say you will know them when you hear them.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Like Son Like Father

It was 4am or so. Tazel did not want to sleep. After my wife spent some time holding him and trying to get him to go to sleep, I took a turn for a while.
So we sat together and his intestines started to gurgle and burble. Perhaps that was what was keeping us both from sleeping. He quieted down, and my intestines burbled and gurgled in a more manly fashion. Tazel opened his eyes and looked up at me accusingly, perhaps that was what was keeping us both from sleeping.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Baby boy Tazel

In Japanese when someone says 'soro soro' it means it is now time to go, or something is about to happen. In Osaka, which has it's own dialect, when someone says bochi bochi it can mean the same as soro soro, (though not always).
Yesterday, as I was spending a brief moment with my wife, I heard the doctor say 'bochi bochi' and in that moment I knew two things. I was in Osaka and we were soon going to have a baby.